- This training will be about the notions of democracy and democratization.
- Focus will be on role of culture in democracy and on democratization of musical practices.
- Participants must be over 18, and coping with youngsters through musical activities.
World Forum for Democracy 2024 will take place in Strasbourg, 6- 8 November 2024. Theme in 2024 is on Democracy and Diversity. The World Forum for Democracy is not just a platform for discussion but a call to action, an annual gathering of policy-makers, academics, activists, youth representatives and democracy innovators, in the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
Ballade is convinced that culture has a great impact on our capacity to balance and transcend differences. Our aim is to include and give access to culture to those who are excluded or impeded.
This Forum is an opportunity to listen to various points of view, point out mproblems or dangers for democracy and make our voices heard. How can we build a society on diversity? How can we include populations, minorities to gain resilience, adaptability and creativity and thus build a society where
diversity is accepted and democracy respected?
We hope that this seminar will lead to the creation of a network of youth workers aiming inclusion and democratisation of culture.Accommodation will be in very comfortable and heated wooden houses at camping of Strasbourg, which is very close to the centre of Strasbourg. Accommodation and food is fully taken in charge.
Transports are reimbursed according to 2023 Erasmus+ fares.
APPLICATION LINK: https://b24-hiozxe.bitrix24site.ru/crm_form_pjada/
DEADLINE: 01.10.2024